


What Art?

1. The body language and facial expressions give the woman an attitude. Make them look serious and dramatic. 2. The images appear to be images of real people with body paint, made themselves look like acrylic or oil painting. The hair looks too real to be hand done. 3. The colors are darker, more warm. The darker warmer toned colors as the background allow the colors to help convey the emotions of a more serious tone, due to color theory. 4.

Cubism cont.

1. About 25-30 2.The photos were not taken the same time of day,the amount of day light varies. 3.There were enhancements done in photoshop like adding grainy filters, blurring, and color/light changes. 4.The photos were taken at slightly different angles. 



Describing The Image pt.1 & pt.2 Q.2

The image is a close up portrait of an eye and nose with a very small man that is scaling the nose. It is an artistic image rather then documentary because it isn't realistic. The man is photoshopped onto the nose. pt.2 My view point has changed from believing the image is a digital photoshopped image to seeing that the image is a real person scaling what looks like a building with the are work of  Helnwein on the side. The art by the water in what looks like an industrial area. People who work in the area or passengers on a ship passing by might see it.

Trip. Q.2
